Fixed In Release 4.1.5 ................................................................................ 2657 mm free - attempting to free 4.1.5 High 30 Test Req Occasionally, switching applications ID's while using Application design could cause an "attempting to free freed memory" or "attempting to free unallocated memory". This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 2996 mm_free()- attempt free freed 4.1.5 Y High 30 Test Req Occasionally, switching applications ID's while using Application design could cause an "attempting to free freed memory" or "attempting to free unallocated memory". This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 3371 Changing version in appl desi 4.1.5 30 Test Req Occasionally, switching applications ID's while using Application design could cause an "attempting to free freed memory" or "attempting to free unallocated memory". This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5560 Bold titles in boxes on menu 4.1.5 Medium 07 Routing Boxes sometimes would not show as the proper color and font the first time they appeared on a menu. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5931 File Process/Memory Coruption 4.1.5 High 40 Final QC After returning from using either opt-93 or opt-94 to drill into a child process in another application a memory corruption error could occur. This could also occur if any file level event points were defined for a file which was accessed in multiple databases within a given process family. The error would result in either a C-assert type message indicating a memory corruption or perhaps silently throw an exception to the stack dump. This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5933 CHR_SCANNABLE and tokens 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req A tokenized field which is also scannable will now display as a listbox with an associated scan indicator. ................................................................................ 5936 Multi Queries & File Process 4.1.5 High 40 Final QC A job containing more than one related or subprocess queries (either as direct children or as descendents of child jobs) where at least one of the query PCF files had file event points, would generate an "attempting to free freed memory" error near the end of the process. This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5937 buf_line_blk Purify errors 4.1.5 Medium 19 Desgn A few errors have been corrected which resulted in innocuous complaints from Purify. ................................................................................ 5940 Java in Browser and bg color 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When embedding the java applet into a web page, you can control the color of the unused applet background so it more closely matches the rest of your web page. You do this with a new java applet parameter of "appletBg" and you set it to an HTML type hex color value. "#FFFFFF" would be white. ................................................................................ 5941 Java token incremental search 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When using the keyboard to select a value from a token type listbox control, you can now enter multiple characters of the value you would like. The listbox will search out the token value that matches the series of characters entered. The list will reselect token values as you type. The status area of the window will show you what characters you have typed. The backspace key will clear the entered characters from the search and restore the token value to what it was before the search. ................................................................................ 5944 Java right-click menu error 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req If you tried to pick a menu item from the right-click menu that happened to be on a pullout menu then appx would run the wrong process. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5945 QUERY Selection Occurence > 1 4.1.5 Low 25 Await Eg If you use Occurrence numbers on fields on the RHS of a QUERY Designer Selection (and presumably User Selection), the QUERY logfile indicates that occurrence# 1 is always used (rather than occurrence numbers coded >1). Data run thru the QUERY indicates that the field indexed by Occurrence>1 is using a variable value indexed by Occurrence=1 instead. This only occurred in cases where the constraint was used for an indexed Establish PCF Range event point (note - the designer would have to set the BEG AT/END AT flags manually in order for this error to occur). This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5947 Java dates and delete key 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When changing the value of a date field, if you press the delete key near the end of the field and then try to enter a new value, the keystrokes are ignored. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5948 Security Profile and Sysadmin 4.1.5 Medium 40 Final QC An APPX System Administrator typically does not have a Security Profile specified. If one is specified, it is honorod for all activities that are governed by a security profile. If a non existing profile was specified, it was ignored for an administrator. This has been changed. Now if a non existing profile is specified for an administrator, APPX will behave as if the profile granted no rights. ................................................................................ 5949 SAVEPNT now working 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req The SAVEPNT statement does not seem to have an effect. If you declare a SAVEPNT and then try to ROLLBACK to that SAVEPNT, all changes are rolled back. Examining the log file shows that the SAVEPNT statement executes correctly but the ROLLBACK (to savepoint) statement has an extra character (1) in front of the savepoint name. This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5950 Invalid RID type 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When accessing data stored in Oracle (and using primary key values to identify each row), you can receive a spurious error message "Invalid RID type" if Appx needs to recover a lost record lock. This has been corrected. ................................................................................ 5969 ORA-01013 errors 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req Oracle version 8.x servers seem to have a bug which manifests itself as occasional "ORA-01013 - user requested cancel of current operation" errors. This error (ORA-01013) is normally produced when one of the following occurs: 1) The user presses the Ctrl-C key (actually, the process receives a SIGINT) 2) The application (Appx) calls the OCIBreak() function to cancel an operation. Neither of these is happening - Oracle considers this a bug. To try to recover from this problem, the Appx/Oracle interface has been modified to retry a query operation if an ORA-01013 is encounterd. You can control the number of retries by setting the APPX CANCEL RETRIES environment variable to a number greater than 0. Important note - the default is 0 meaning that Appx will NOT retry queries which produced an ORA-01013 error. You must set APPX CANCEL RETRIES to a number greater than zero in order to force Appx to retry failed queries. ................................................................................ 5977 Java Box Border Text and Color 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req Sometimes a box widget does not show the border correctly. It sometimes ignores an override label text, label font, and border color. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5978 Reduce Java Screen Updates 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req The Java Client is painting the screen more oftem than needed. This can impact performance since drawing the screen components is the most expensive operation that occurs in a GUI application. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5979 Java scrolling region boxes 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When running a scrolling input process with a screen size of more than 21 rows, the outlines around each scrolling region is only drawn down to row 21 of the screen. All regions below that do not show the box outlines. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5980 Java Text/Rtf/Html Micro Adj 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req TextArea, HtmlArea, RtfArea type widgets to not honor the Micro Adjust settings. Also, the TextArea widget does not honor Transparent Background, Font Style, and Background Color settings. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5981 Java in Browser, hide extras 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req When loading the Java Client via a browser, sometimes it is desirable to launch the client non-embedded but have control over removing the MenuBar and ToolBar and also be able to set the window title. This makes for a much cleaner look while preserving the information in the statusbar. This can now be done with the following new java client arguments. -hideMenubar=1, -hideToolbar=1, -title="Window Title Text". ................................................................................ 5984 Java auto-disable buttons 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req The java client interprets the meaning of the Enabled? widget specification to mean 'Y' as "Enable the widget", 'N' as "Disable the widget", and 'null' as "If the widget is not in the active frame, disable it". This causes problems with the use of the ENABLE and DISABLE ILF verbs. If you use ILF code to ENABLE and DISABLE a button widget, then when a child process is run, the button does not auto-disable since the Enable? widget spec was left in a 'Y' state. In this case, you are forced to read the widget record and manually set the Enabled? flag to 'null'. So, the clients understanding of this Enabled? flag is being changed to reflect the following new rules. A value of 'Y' will mean "Enable the widget if it is on the active frame", 'N' will mean "Disable the widget", and 'null' will mean "Disable the widget if it is not on the active frame". ................................................................................ 5985 Java Option 222 acts odd 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 30 Test Req If you define a pulldown menu as optional child 222, then the menu option will not run when selected. This has been fixed. ................................................................................ 5986 Java Timeout on TextField 4.1.5 IMMEDIATE 22 In Prgss If you send a keyboard timeout value and start entering text into a text field, the keystrokes do not reset the timer and the timer fires incorrectly. Also, when the timer fires, all changes to the text field are lost. This has been fixed. ................................................................................